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Creating a Catalogue

A step-by-step guide on creating a catalogue in Business Manager. Learn how to set up your catalogue, assign permissions, and prepare it for managing your online products efficiently.

To create a catalogue in facebook business portfolio, follow these steps:

  1. Open Business Settings:
    Start by navigating to the Business Manager and opening the Business settings section.

  2. Select Data Sources:
    In the menu, choose Data sources.

  3. Select Catalogues:
    Under Data sources, click on Catalogues.

  4. Add and Create a New Catalogue:
    Click Add, then select Create a new catalogue.

  5. Choose Product Category:

    Select "Online products" as the product category when entering basic information about your catalogue.

  6. Select Business Portfolio:

    Choose your business portfolio and enter a name for your new catalogue.

  7. Skip Event Tracking:

    Leave the event tracking section blank and click Next.

  8. Catalogue Permissions:

    In the Catalogue permissions section, go to the Partners tab and click Assign partner.

  9. Assign Partner by Business ID:

    • Choose the option "by business ID" and enter "340998028617024" in the Business ID field.
    • In the Assign access section, select "Everything" under Full control.
    • Click Invite. The dialog will close automatically.
  10. Proceed in Catalogue Permissions:

    After the partner assignment, click Next in the catalogue permissions section.

  11. Skip Product Upload:

    In the Upload products section, select Skip.

After completing the steps, your catalogue will be successfully added. You can now connect it with WhatsDiscuss. Follow this guide for detailed instructions on how to integrate your catalogue with WhatsDiscuss for seamless product management and messaging automation.